Thursday, October 12, 2006

Cash, Money, Is An Army

You ever notice that when they talk about Iran on CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News they always show a huge Military march, with thousands upon thousands of soldiers marching while carrying guns and flags, while walking behind a display of tanks and missiles? How about when they talk about Korea?

Hmmm. Eerily, similar image.

Here's a comparable image of what other countries see in terms of OUR military. And although I'm quite sure that the shine on that Tuba is extremely intimidating, I wonder why we don't occasionally bring out our tanks, our missiles, our guns, and march our soliders through Washington D.C., so that N. Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and other nations that are showing a lack of respect towards America can see these images in their homes while they're eating dinner every night.

Diplomacy is cool, but Bullies don't respect rationality. They respect force, which is why these networks choose to show the video that they do regarding stories involving these countries.

So Bush, if you don't want to sit down and talk with Korea or Iran, put our weapons of mass destruction on the display. Fire test missiles from the Phillipines over Korea. Hell, let's do a nuclear test as well. And send these countries images of all of that, preferably in HD.

You don't talk compromise with wanna-be Bullies. You respond with Big Boy moves.

Anyway, I'm just joking about all this. But sometimes truth is said, in jest.

George Bushing the button,