Thursday, October 29, 2009

Reset Button

I don't know how many old heads still remember the gaming system known as Nintendo, but there was a button that cats hated to have to press, because usually the only time this button would be pushed is when things got completely out of control or the game happened to freeze and no further progress could be made.

In the game called Life, I just pushed the reset button.

Though I'm feeling a way about having to make such a drastic decision, I have no regrets, misgivings, or second thoughts for taking such an action.

I wish that me and Her could have made it work, but the truth of the matter is that work still needs to be done on the work-in-progress that is Omar Sharif Arthur.
I'm on a track to completely rebuild my life from the ground up, which is crazy considering all of the sacrifices I've made since my Daughter blessed me with her presence. But relationships come and go, life goes on, and the war continues.

With that said, I burned the field that I toiled on in hopes of harvesting great rewards, and now I'm replanting....reassessing....rebuilding.

The good book tells us that the race goes not to swift nor the strong, but to those who endure, and I literally just had a Red Bull and Vodka, lol.

So now with my newfound wings, I'm flying...not to a set destination, but wherever the winds of destiny happen to carry me.

Happy Trails,