Thursday, January 10, 2008

Cry Me A Winner...

I thought that it was an accepted fact of life that there is NO crying in Politics. However, in the New Hampshire Primary, a presupposed Obama victory was transformed into a slim Clinton win in the Granite State. Words cannot accurately define the way that I felt as I watched the poll results come in that night, and saw the effect that a near emotional breakdown could have on some portions of the American populace.

I won't argue on whether or not the show of emotion by Hilary was contrived, but the fact that the effect of people seeing a Presidential candidate on the verge of tears manifested itself in a substantial level of support at the voting booth is one of the reasons why I am beginning to lose faith in the American people, as well as this "Democracy" that we all are a part of. While I accept that the emotional component of humanity should always be accepted as a part of life, the fact that a sizable percentage of women in NH shifted towards Hilary following her emotional episode is laughable, pathetic, and a sign of the times.

For the record, I'm not sexist, chauvinistic, or the type of guy that feels that crying is a sign of weakness. But, the fact that within a 24-hour period, a candidate with an average lead in the polls of about 8 points would end up losing by 3 points, mainly due to a reactive influx of women voters in response to an emotional outburst, is just crazy to me.

Politics as Usual,