Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Vote of No Confidence

It's funny and ironic, because this picture is representative of what the American political process has become. Every single time any of us steps into a voting booth, we are getting FUCKED. And while politically, some of us are having the best sex EVER, the majority of us here in America are getting the shaft. And unfortunately, most of us don't care.

We live in a new era, where Google is a noun, verb, and adjective; where Myspace is a point of contact for companies; where Youtube is a source for advertisement. Nowadays, more people get their information from blogs and web sites than television or newspapers. And although this "Information Age" is full of extraordinary changes in the ways that we think and the manner that we see the world we live in, it is truly astounding to see that the way most people see politics remains fundamentally the same.

Our generation grew up hearing cliches like "Knowledge is Power", and "Access is Everything", yet we have the ability to click, point, and search for information and data that should make us more enlightened in terms of the things that go on in this country, especially concerning our politicians. Yet it seems that another cliche is more descriptive of people today: "Ignorance is Bliss."

And who wins in such an apathetic society? Politicians. Big Business. Lobbyists.
Who loses? The poor, the middle class, the education system, the healthcare system, the Social Security system, etc.

As long as we have a two-party system, the political process will continue to be nothing more than social pornography. We will continue to get promises and promises, only to be disappointed and unsatisfied. We will continue to get seduced with things that are only distractions, the purpose of which is to keep us from focusing on more important things. The political process has become a cycle of redundancy and a system of lost opportunity.

I'll leave on this note. Here's a quote from an American author from the year 1898.

"If American politics does not look to you like a joke, a tragic dance; if you have enough blindness left in you, on any plea, on any excuse, to vote for the Democratic Party or the Republican Party (for at present, machine and party are one), or for any candidate who does not stand for a new era,—then you yourself pass into the slide of the magic-lantern; you are an exhibit, a quaint product, a curiosity of the American soil. You are part of the problem."

Let's be part of the solution.

Getting some head,